Motherline: Reclaiming Women's Stories
Susie discusses the motherline (matrilineal ancestry) and the importance of women’s stories. Navigating through historical struggles, ancient goddess cultures, and societal shifts, Susie invites listeners to reclaim the stories of women that have been obscured, stolen, or silenced. Join the journey of exploration and empowerment as we reimagine narratives and contribute to a paradigm shift in the broader motherhood revolution.
Historical Struggles of Women's Voices
Impact of Narratives like the Story of Eve
Ancient Goddess Cultures: Catalhoyuk and Marija Gimbutas
Transition from Matrilineal to Patrilineal Societies
3 Steps for Reclaiming Personal the Motherline
Step 1: Reflect on your own narrative
Step 2: Motherline Meditation: A Tool for Intuitive Connection
Step 3: Telling Our Own Stories as a Revolutionary Act
Contribution to the Broader Motherhood Revolution
Cassandra Speaks: When Women are the Storytellers, the Human Story Changes by Elizabeth Lesser
Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici
When the Drummers were Women by Layne Redmond
Of Woman Born by Adrienne Rich
Archeologist suggests much of Paleolithic cave art was done by women
Historical Sites: Catalhoyuk - Archaeological Evidence of Goddess Worship
Scholar: Marija Gimbutas - Pioneer in Archaeomythology
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