Welcome and Introduction to Rebel Mothers Podcast

I am so incredibly excited to announce that I've been working diligently on a project that I am incredibly passionate about, and I can't wait to reveal it to you!!

Drumroll please…..

Introducing Rebel Mothers Podcast!

I am thrilled to announce the launch of my brand-new podcast, Rebel Mothers! Creating this podcast has been a delight and I'm confident it will bring value to your life, whether you are a mother, work with mothers, can’t wait to become a mother, or research and study motherhood. Rebel Mothers combines my own personal stories as a mother of three children, my academic background as a motherhood researcher, and my years of experience helping women transition into motherhood through yoga.

Check out the trailer and episode 1 below!

What You Can Expect from Rebel Mothers Podcast

Rebel Mothers podcast is all about the mothers who are defying conventional motherhood because we want to create a more just and more equitable future for ourselves and our children. Each week we’ll dive into topics that cover motherhood from a revolutionary perspective, including

  • Exploring the challenging aspects of motherhood to see how it has been shaped by harmful systems of patriarchy, white supremacy, capitalism, and religious manipulation

  • Examining how motherhood and mothers unknowingly, and knowingly, uphold and maintain these systems. 

  • Discovering how the act of mothering is a path to self-actualization and empowerment

  • Centering mothers in the issues of our time

  • Telling stories of historical women who defied all opposition to accomplish incredible things while they were also actively mothering, and stories from modern thought leaders and changemakers in the world of motherhood.

How to Tune In

To ensure you don't miss a single episode, you can listen to the trailer and subscribe right now to Rebel Mothers on all major platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and more. New episodes will be released weekly starting on October 24th. Newsletter subscribers will get a sneak peek of new episodes, so be sure to get on my mailing list to get the scoop!

    Susie Fishleder