Infant Massage Workshop
Infant Massage Workshop
WHEN: Winter 2020 5-week session
Thursdays 10:00 - 11:30 am from 2/20 - 3/19
WHERE: Holy Family Birth Center
9835 Auburn Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46825
COST: $80
DESCRIPTION: Learn to calm and soothe your baby through nurturing touch. Classes are taught in small groups of parents/caregivers and their babies ages 6 weeks to one year old. Classes run for 1 1/2 hours for five weeks so your baby gradually adjusts to your loving touch.
WHAT TO BRING: For baby, bring a soft blanket, a burp cloth and a change of diaper. You can wear comfortable clothes - we'll be sitting on the floor so yoga attire is perfect.
REGISTER: Advance registration required.Register early, class size is limited! $80 pricing is for the entire five week course and includes a small bottle of massage oil, stroke instruction and handouts for later review. No siblings, please.
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